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HTTP API allows you to get a software access to many features available in your personal account: manage desktops, create scheduled connections.


All requests must be made over the HTTPS (not HTTP) protocol with an appropriate method for each command at


Data responses are returned in JSON UTF-8 with ContentType: application/json. Each response wraps data in the data JSON container

The API server may return the following HTTP response codes:

HTTP response code Description
200 OK Request accepted and processed
400 Bad Request Request denied, invalid parameters, error
402 Payment Required Request rejected, request limit for the service plan exceeded
403 Forbidden Request denied, no access to data
404 Not Found Request denied, unknown request URL


API is RESTful API: the server doesn’t store the client connection state. That’s why the client must send authorization data each time a request is sent. An API key is used as such data. Add the key in each request in the ?apikey= GET parameter or in the X-Api-Key HTTP header

ℹ Your API key can be found in your personal profile in the "Integration" section of the HTTP API tab


These are the commands to manage desktops and connections. We’ve divided them into several groups:

Permanent Access

Desktop list

You can get the full desktop list with the agents/list method

ℹ In the context of API calls, desktops will be referred to as Agents since a desktop is technically managed with an agent



Request parameters:

Parameter Type Value
apikey string Request authorization API key
search string Search by agent name, IP address or group name
group_id string Filter by group ID


    "data":[ {
        "name":"Allesandro Paci",
            "city":"Los Angeles"
                    "country":"Russian Federation",
                    "user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.102 Safari/537.36"
    }, ... ]

Response data:

Name Type Description
id number Internal system ID
name string Name
group string Group
disabled boolean
Is the agent blocked?

⚠ You cannot connect to blocked agents. An agent is blocked if the number of desktops exceeds the limits of your rate plan.
limited boolean
Is the agent limited?

ℹ An agent is limited if the number of attached files exceeds the limits of your rate plan. The agent is blocked 10 days after it’s limited.
link_time unixtime Added to personal account date and time
last_time unixtime Last active date and time
geo object Location
geo.ip string IP address string Country
geo.region string Region string City
permanent_url string
Permanent connection URL

ℹ The field may be missing if the access isn’t available for unauthorized users
onetime_url string
URL for one-time connection

⚠ The link changes every 45 seconds

ℹ The field may be missing if connections via single-use links are disabled in the agent settings
preview_url string Desktop preview download URL
os string Operating system. Possible values: win, mac, linux and android
version string Agent version
online boolean Current active state
installed boolean Is the agent installed on the desktop?
favorite boolean Is this a favorited desktop from the personal account?
owner string Desktop access system owner account
sessions object Connection info
sessions.last object Last connection number Internal system connection ID
sessions.last.start_time unixtime Connection start date and time
sessions.last.stop_time unixtime Connection stop date and time

ℹ The field may be missing if the connection is active
sessions.last.client object Client info (connection creator)
sessions.last.client.ip string IP address string Country
sessions.last.client.region string Region string City
sessions.last.client.user_agent string Client browser user agent object Total sessions

Information about the computer

To get computer information from the Permanent Access section, use the agents/info method



Request parameters:

Parameter Type Value
apikey string Request authorization API key
agent_id number Internal system agent ID


    "data": {
        "id": 1001,
        "name": "Allesandro Paci",
        "group": "Accounting",
        "disabled": false,
        "limited": false,
        "link_time": 1587837997,
        "last_time": 1600374761,
        "geo": {
            "ip": "",
            "country": "USA",
            "region": "California",
            "city": "Los Angeles"
        "permanent_url": "",
        "onetime_url": "",
        "preview_url": "",
        "os": "win",
        "version": "2.7.6",
        "online": true,
        "installed": true,
        "favorite": false,
        "owner": "",
        "hardware": {
            "BIOS": "ALASKA - 1072009 - F51 - American Megatrends - 5000E",
            "BIOSDate": "",
            "BIOSVersion": "20191218",
            "CPU": "AMD Ryzen 5 2600X Six-Core Processor",
            "CPUCores": 6,
            "CPUCoresLogical": 12,
            "CPUFamily": "AMD64 Family 23 Model 8 Stepping 2",
            "CPUSpeed": 3600,
            "ComputerDomain": "WORKGROUP",
            "ComputerIP": [
            "ComputerModel": "B450 AORUS ELITE",
            "ComputerName": "DESKTOP-AU0VQEE",
            "ComputerWorkgroup": "WORKGROUP",
            "HDD": [ {
                "Model": "INTEL SSDPEKNW512G8",
                "Size": 488382
            } ],
            "Locale": "0419",
            "LocaleCountry": "USA",
            "LocaleCurrency": "USD",
            "LocaleFormatDate": "MM-DD-YYYY",
            "LocaleFormatTime": "H:mm:ss",
            "LocaleOemPage": "437",
            "LocaleTimezone": -420,
            "LogicalDisks": [ {
                "Disk": "C:",
                "FileSystem": "NTFS",
                "FreeSpace": 13668,
                "Name": "",
                "Size": 487757
            } ],
            "Monitors": [ {
                "Name": "Universal PnP monitor",
                "ScreenHeight": 1080,
                "ScreenWidth": 1920
            } ],
            "NetAdapters": [ {
                "Addresses": "",
                "Cable": true,
                "DCHP": "",
                "DNS": "",
                "MACAddress": "18:C0:4D:44:F0:61",
                "Manufacturer": "Realtek",
                "Name": "Realtek Gaming GbE Family Controller",
                "Speed": 953,
                "WoL": true
            } ],
            "OSName": "Microsoft Windows 10 Pro",
            "OSVersion": "10.0.19044",
            "RAMBanks": [ {
                "Bank": "P0 CHANNEL A",
                "Capacity": 8192,
                "DataWidth": 64,
                "Locator": "DIMM 0",
                "Manufacturer": "Unknown",
                "PartNumber": "F4-3200C16-8GSXFB",
                "SerialNumber": "00000000"
            } ],
            "RAMPageFile": 51264,
            "RAMPhys": 32716,
            "RAMPhysAvail": 9380,
            "RAMVirt": 134217727,
            "RAMVirtAvail": 134213282,
            "SoundDevices": [ {
                "Name": "NVIDIA High Definition Audio"
            } ],
            "VideoCards": [ {
                "Integrated": true,
                "Name": "NVIDIA GeForce GT 710",
                "RAM": 1024
            } ],
            "VideoName": "NVIDIA GeForce GT 710",
            "VideoRAM": 1024
        "sessions": {
            "last": {
                    "country":"Russian Federation",
                    "user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.102 Safari/537.36"
            "total": 1

Response data:

Name Type Description
id number Internal system ID
name string Name
group string Group
disabled boolean
Is the agent blocked?

⚠ You cannot connect to blocked agents. An agent is blocked if the number of desktops exceeds the limits of your rate plan.
limited boolean
Is the agent limited?

ℹ An agent is limited if the number of attached files exceeds the limits of your rate plan. The agent is blocked 10 days after it’s limited.
link_time unixtime Added to personal account date and time
last_time unixtime Last active date and time
geo object Location
geo.ip string IP address string Country
geo.region string Region string City
permanent_url string
Permanent connection URL

ℹ The field may be missing if the access isn’t available for unauthorized users
onetime_url string
URL for one-time connection

⚠ The link changes every 45 seconds

ℹ The field may be missing if connections via single-use links are disabled in the agent settings
preview_url string Desktop preview download URL
os string Operating system. Possible values: win, mac, linux and android
version string Agent version
online boolean Current active state
installed boolean Is the agent installed on the desktop?
favorite boolean Is this a favorited desktop from the personal account?
owner string Desktop access system owner account
hardware object System information
hardware.BIOS string BIOS information
hardware.BIOSDate string Date of update
hardware.BIOSVersion string Version
hardware.CPU string CPU
hardware.CPUCores number Number of cores
hardware.CPUCoresLogical number Number of logical processors
hardware.CPUFamily string Family
hardware.CPUSpeed number Speed
hardware.ComputerDomain string Domain
hardware.ComputerIP array IP address
hardware.ComputerModel string Model
hardware.ComputerName string Computer name
hardware.ComputerWorkgroup string Work group
hardware.HDD array Hard drives
hardware.HDD[].Model string Model
hardware.HDD[].Size number Size
hardware.Locale string Locale
hardware.LocaleCountry string Country
hardware.LocaleCurrency string Currency
hardware.LocaleFormatDate string Date format
hardware.LocaleFormatTime string Time format
hardware.LocaleOemPage string Page charset
hardware.LocaleTimezone number Time zone
hardware.LogicalDisks array Logical drives
hardware.LogicalDisks[].Disk string Label
hardware.LogicalDisks[].FileSystem string File system type
hardware.LogicalDisks[].FreeSpace number Free space (MB)
hardware.LogicalDisks[].Name string Name
hardware.LogicalDisks[].Size number Size (MB)
hardware.Monitors array Monitors
hardware.Monitors[].Name string Name
hardware.Monitors[].ScreenHeight number Screen height
hardware.Monitors[].ScreenWidth number Screen width
hardware.NetAdapters array Network cards
hardware.NetAdapters[].Addresses string Address
hardware.NetAdapters[].Cable boolean Connecting to the Internet via LAN cable
hardware.NetAdapters[].DCHP string DCHP
hardware.NetAdapters[].DNS string DNS
hardware.NetAdapters[].MACAddress string MAC address
hardware.NetAdapters[].Manufacturer string Manufacturer
hardware.NetAdapters[].Name string Name
hardware.NetAdapters[].Speed number Speed
hardware.NetAdapters[].WoL boolean Wake-on-LAN setting enabled
hardware.OSName string Operating system name
hardware.OSVersion string Operating system version
hardware.RAMBanks array RAM
hardware.RAMBanks[].Bank string Bank
hardware.RAMBanks[].Capacity number Capacity
hardware.RAMBanks[].Locator string Locator
hardware.RAMBanks[].Manufacturer string Manufacturer
hardware.RAMBanks[].PartNumber string Batch
hardware.RAMBanks[].SerialNumber string Series
hardware.SoundDevices array Sound cards
hardware.SoundDevices[].Name string Name
hardware.VideoCards array Video card
hardware.VideoCards[].Integrated boolean Integrated
hardware.VideoCards[].Name string Name
hardware.VideoCards[].RAM number RAM
sessions object Connection info
sessions.last object Last connection number Internal system connection ID
sessions.last.start_time unixtime Connection start date and time
sessions.last.stop_time unixtime Connection stop date and time

ℹ The field may be missing if the connection is active
sessions.last.client object Client info (connection creator)
sessions.last.client.ip string IP address string Country
sessions.last.client.region string Region string City
sessions.last.client.user_agent string Client browser user agent object Total sessions

Change device property

To change some property of a device bound to your account, you can use the devices/update method

ℹ You do not have to list all properties in the query. Only the ones you specify will be changed. See the parameters below for a list of fields available for updating.



  BODY: {
    "id": <number>,
    "permanent_url": {
      "enable": <boolean>,
      "url": <string>,
      "password": <string>

Request parameters:

Parameter Type Value
apikey string Request authorization API key
id number Internal system identifier of the agent
permanent_url object Permanent link to connect
permanent_url.enable boolean Enable/disable
permanent_url.url string Link path
permanent_url.password string Password for connection (at least 8 characters including letters and numbers)


    "status": 0,
    "data": { ... }

Response data:

Name Type Description
number status Result status. Possible values:
  • 0 - Data successfully saved
  • 1 - Invalid request
  • 7 - The path for the permanent link is taken
  • 8 - Changing properties is prohibited
  • 21 - Invalid password for permanent link
data object Modified data

Get connection link

To connect to the desktop with API, you need to get a one-time link with the agents/connect method

ℹ The link expires right after its first use. You need to get one each time you want to connect.



Request parameters:

Parameter Type Value
apikey string Request authorization API key
agent_id number Internal system agent ID
device_id number The public identifier of the agent. Available in the agent's card in the personal account.

ℹ Used if agent_id parameter is not specified.
video bool Manual control of video recording on/off (optional)


        "url": ";llt=66b4kj671pm3abpp5xh17elpnpze245382m9pxbrx313l2xp52hmxqe4e1dekpej&amp;s=c2c5ca25eb4fca787b74a97648e0856951e2b9c7aa02cbf83ac62c81e21a9bab"

Response data:

Name Type Description
url string Connection URL

Request a wake-up call

To send a request to wake up a device using the Wake-on-LAN feature, you can use the agents/wake request.

ℹ This feature requires preconfiguration of the device and its environment to work. Read more in the article How to configure Wake-on-LAN?.



  BODY: {
    "id": <number>

Request parameters:

Parameter Type Value
apikey string Request authorization API key
id number Internal system identifier of the agent


    "status": 0,

Response data:

Name Type Description
number status Result status. Possible values:
  • 0 - Request accepted
  • 1 - Invalid request

Logout of the account

To detach the device from your account and remove it from permanent access, use the agents/logout method

⚠ Be careful! Once the device is detached, you will not be able to operate it.



  BODY: {
    "id": <number>

Request parameters:

Parameter Type Value
apikey string Request authorization API key
id number Internal system agent ID


    "status": 0

Response data:

Name Type Description
number status Result status. Possible values:
  • 0 - The logout of the device is successful
  • 1 - Incorrect request
  • 6 - Device not found
  • 8 - Operation prohibited

Quick Support

Open connection list

To get a list of open connections from the Quick support section, use the support/list method



Request parameters:

Parameter Type Value
apikey string Request authorization API key


    "data":[ {
        "client_name":"Jacob Williams",
    } ]
Connection record data:

Name Type Description
id number Internal system connection ID
status number Connection status. Possible values:
  • 0 - New connection, waiting for client to join
  • 1 - Client joined, waiting for operator to join
  • 2 - Active connection, all members joined
  • 3 - Closed connection
create_time unixtime Connection creation date and time
invite_code string Invitation code
invite_url string Invitation URL
connect_url string Operator connection URL
client_name string Client name
client_os string Operating system. Possible values: win, mac, linux and android

ℹ The field is filled after the client joins
client_preview_url string Client desktop thumbnail

ℹ The field is filled after the client joins

Additional info:

Name Type Description
remain number Number of remaining connections within the rate plan

Create connection

To create a scheduled connection for quick support, use the support/create method



Request parameters:

Parameter Type Value
apikey string Request authorization API key
client_name string Client name (only visible to you). Optional parameter.


        "client_name":"Jacob Williams",

Response data:

Name Type Description
id number Internal system connection ID
status number Connection status. Possible values:
  • 0 - New connection, waiting for client to join
  • 1 - Client joined, waiting for operator to join
  • 2 - Active connection, all members joined
  • 3 - Closed connection
create_time unixtime Connection creation date and time
invite_code string Invitation code
invite_url string Invitation URL
connect_url string Operator connection URL
client_name string Client name
client_os string Operating system. Possible values: win, mac, linux and android

ℹ The field is filled after the client joins
client_preview_url string Client desktop thumbnail

ℹ The field is filled after the client joins

Connection info

To get the info about a specific connection, use the support/info method



Request parameters:

Parameter Type Value
apikey string Request authorization API key
connection_id number* Internal system connection ID


        "client_name":"Jacob Williams",

Response data:

Name Type Description
id number Internal system connection ID
status number Connection status. Possible values:
  • 0 - New connection, waiting for client to join
  • 1 - Client joined, waiting for operator to join
  • 2 - Active connection, all members joined
  • 3 - Closed connection
create_time unixtime Connection creation date and time
invite_code string Invitation code
invite_url string Invitation URL
connect_url string Operator connection URL
client_name string Client name
client_os string Operating system. Possible values: win, mac, linux and android

ℹ The field is filled after the client joins
client_preview_url string Client desktop thumbnail

ℹ The field is filled after the client joins

Close connection

To close a connection, use the support/close method



Request parameters:

Parameter Type Value
apikey string Request authorization API key
connection_id number* Internal system connection ID


The response will be returned empty. To analyze the command execution, use only HTTP response code.

Connections history

Get a connections list

To get a list of your connections, use the history/list method



Request parameters:

Parameter Type Value
apikey string Request authorization API key
agent_id string Filter by agent ID
support_id number Sort by Quick Support connection ID
date_from unixtime Filter by date and time: period start
date_to unixtime Filter by date and time: period end
video boolean Filter by video recording
offset number Offset for the first item in the list
limit number Number of items in the list. Default value: 20; maximum value: 100


    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 10,
    "total": 15,
    "filter": {
        "date_from": 1608660281,
        "date_to": 1608660389,
        "agent_id": 1001,
        "support_id": 1002,
        "video": true
    "data": [ {
        "id": 27233,
        "start": 1608660273,
        "stop": 1608660281,
        "support_id": 1002,
        "clients": [ {
            "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36",
            "login": "",
            "geo": {
                "ip": "",
                "country": "USA",
                "region": "California",
                "city": "Los Angeles"
        } ],
        "agent": {
            "id": 1001,
            "name": "DESKTOP-SJBU5PO",
            "group": "Accounting",
            "geo": {
                "ip": "",
                "country": "USA",
                "region": "California",
                "city": "Los Angeles"
            "os": "win",
            "version": "2.1.5",
            "owner": ""
        "video": {
            "url": "",
            "size": 428652
    }, ... ]

Response data:

Name Type Description
id number Internal system connection ID
start unixtime Connection start date and time
stop unixtime Connection end date and time

ℹ Can be empty if the connection is not ended
support_id number Quick Support connection ID

ℹ The field may be blank if there was a connection to a Permanent Access device
clients array List of clients who joined the connection
clients[].user_agent string User agent
clients[].login string User login

ℹ Can be empty if the connection was anonymous
clients[].geo object Location
clients[].geo.ip string IP address
clients[] string Country
clients[].geo.region string Region
clients[] string City
agent object Agent info number Internal system agent ID string Name string Group
agent.geo object Location
agent.geo.ip string IP address string Country
agent.geo.region string Region string City
agent.os string Operating system. Possible values: win, mac, linux or android
agent.version string Software version
agent.owner string Account login of the permanent access owner
video object Video recording info

ℹ Can be missing if the connection was not recorded
video.url string Video recording file address

⚠ To upload a file with a video recording of the connection, add the ?apikey= parameter with your API key.
video.size number Video recording file size in bytes

Last update: January 6th, 2025