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List of changes

1.5.183 November 1, 2023

  • Improved display of explanations for granting and reactivating screen capture and computer control rights

1.5.181 October 28, 2023

  • Fixed screen capture when granting permissions (for screen capture) when a session is already active
  • When implicitly closed, the quick support session is no longer closed

1.5.180 July 14, 2023

  • Added commands to change the server from the command line
    /Applications/Getscreen.app/Contents/MacOS/Getscreen -set-server abc.com
    /Applications/Getscreen.app/Contents/MacOS/Getscreen -set-server:abc.com
  • Added ability to globally lock the connection server and disable updates
    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/getscreen.plist Server "abc.com"
    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/getscreen.plist DisableUpdate -bool true
  • Added IPv6 support
  • Added control to prevent the Mac from entering sleep mode
  • Fixed audio capture from Loopback devices

1.5.175 March 19, 2023

  • Added agent configuration commands from the command line
    /Applications/Getscreen.app/Contents/MacOS/Getscreen -register john.smith@gmail.com
    /Applications/Getscreen.app/Contents/MacOS/Getscreen -config "name='My Computer' control=true fast_access=false file_transfer=true disable_confirmation=true proxy='socks5://username:password@'"

1.5.173 February 27, 2023

  • Fixed errors in multi-monitor operation

1.5.170 February 19, 2023

  • Fixed agent freezing when invoking terminal, Finder, Activity Monitor quick commands in daemon mode

1.5.166 January 12, 2023

  • Fixed inability to connect to the agent after agent update and system restart
  • Added support for group settings

1.5.165 November 20, 2022

  • Added support for remote system reboot command

1.5.164 November 5, 2022

  • Improved stability in daemon mode

1.5.163 October 22, 2022

  • Added native support for Apple Silicon processors (M1 / M2 based on ARM64). No longer requires Rosetta (Intel processor emulator) on Apple Silicon.

ℹ Intel processors are still running native code for Intel within a single universal application.

1.5.162 October 13, 2022

  • Fixed incorrect connection link in a branded agent when using a custom domain

1.5.161 October 12, 2022

  • Fixed errors causing agent crashes

1.5.160 October 9, 2022

  • Fixed inability to start a session (freezing in "waiting for video")
  • Fixed the capture and control operation on the login screen
  • Added prevention of AppNap mechanism for the application in an active session to improve video transfer performance
  • Added an option to specify a custom server for Self Hosted solutions
  • Reduced resource consumption
  • Fixed errors causing agent crashes

1.5.158 September 25, 2022

  • Fixed errors causing the inability to start the session (freezing in "waiting for video")

1.5.157 September 4, 2022

  • Added different names for built-in and external monitors
  • Other changes and bug fixes

1.5.156 August 28, 2022

  • Added support for reconfiguring monitors during an active session
  • Fixed working with multiple monitors and mouse control
  • Fixed crash when installing and uninstalling a daemon in one run
  • Other changes and bug fixes

1.5.153 July 13, 2022

  • Fixed operation on monitors with resolution higher than 4K
  • Fixed a bug that causes memory leaks during an active session
  • Added Device ID display and administrator contact button

1.5.151 July 8, 2022

  • Fixing crashes on monitors with resolution higher than 4K

1.5.150 June 26, 2022

  • Improved performance and picture quality
  • Raised the minimum version of MacOS for the agent from 10.10 to 10.11
  • Improved and fixed support for switching users and switching to the login window
  • Added support for confirming incoming connections

Last update: 24. Juli 2024